Pacer Bob

Where are you from? Suburban Chicago

Current P.R.  3:34

Typical pace 5:00-5:45 marathon pacing

Number of marathons  Over 200
Occupation  Retired

Favorite marathon  Chicago (my wife's first)
Hobbies   Vegetable gardening, reading, skiing

Favorite Running Food  Anything that isn't moving
What are you reading now? Camino Ghosts by John Grisham.

Who do you train with?  Friends

Personal goals
A quotation you like…  Life's Journeys Start With The First Step
Describe your best marathon memory.  Joining my wife as she completed her first marathon
Why do you pace?  To help others experience the joy of achievement
Tell us your best pacing experience.  Watching the tears of accomplishment pour out from finishers
Why should someone run in your pace group?  Experience tons of fun, as I engage runners to repeat lines of limericks, respond to jokes and share stories
Any tips for runners about to join your group?  Prepare for miles of smiles
Anything else you’d like to share? Over 185 marathons since getting both hips replaced
What philanthropic activities do you have?  Volunteer with SCORE (, which provides free mentoring to small businesses and at the Glencoe Community Garden, which raises and distributes vegetables to homeless shelters and food pantries



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