Pacer Rachel

Where are you from?

Canal Fulton, Ohio

Current P.R.


Typical pace

11 min/mile

Number of marathons

3 full, 10 half



Favorite marathon



Biking, singing to my dogs and birds

Favorite Running Food

Bananas and peanut butter

What are you reading now?

Some light, fun fiction

Who do you train with?

My husband, my sisters, the Green Running Club, and the Jackson Running Club

Personal goals

Finish and feel good.  The distances and paces have changed overtime, but this is a general goal I stick with.



A quotation you like…

The miracle isn’t that I finished.  The miracle is that I had the courage to start.


Why do you run?


To relieve stress and stay healthy.  Spending time with all the runners in my family and the many amazing people in the runner community is a major bonus.

Describe your best marathon memory.


At the 26 mile marker hearing my sister yell, “That’s my sister!  This is her first marathon!”

Why do you pace?


To help people achieve things they once thought were impossible.

Tell us your best pacing experience.


Getting my sister to the end of her first 10k.  She had written herself off as the one non-runner in the family, but she finally decided to give it a try and I got to be there to help her make it to the end.

Why should someone run in your pace group?


I’m an enthusiastic cheerleader!  I love encouraging people and sharing lots of laughs.

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Strive to meet your goal, but remember to listen to your body.

Anything else you’d like to share?

In a few short years I went from saying I would never run to saying I would never run a half marathon again to running my first marathon.  Many people think they can’t do something and never try.  I’m proud of any person who is willing to try even if it means being the last one to cross the finish line.


What philanthropic activities do you have?

Once a week I take humane society puppies and kittens to visit nursing home residents.  I also spend time with kids at a local homeless shelter and play many roles at my church.



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