Pacer Mike at the Ann Arbor Marathon

 Pacer Mike won the Veterans Marathon!

Pacer Mike

Where are you from?

Lincoln, RI  (but Rochester Hills MI last 5 yrs)

Current P.R.


Typical pace


Number of marathons

16 & 3 Ultras



Favorite marathon



Running, poker

Favorite Running Food

None:  But GU works

What are you reading now?

Scott Jurek:  Eat and Run

Who do you train with?

Mostly self; work buddies

Personal goals

Complete Full Iron Man and 50 mile trial run



A quotation you like…


Enjoy every run… never know which one might be you last

Why do you run?


I love it!  Love chasing PRs

Describe your best marathon memory.


Seeing my family at the finish line is pretty cool every time…. Helps me to finish strong.

Why do you pace?


I enjoy running with others…would love to help individuals reach their goal time.

Why should someone run in your pace group?


I am a fun person I think….and will keep the group on pace and have fun while doing it.

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Pretty standard advice but worth repeating…. Going out to fast will definitely catch up to you.



What philanthropic activities do you have?


Big brothers / Big sisters


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