Pacer Marty

Where are you from?

Lisle, Illinois

Current P.R.

3:22 from Indianapolis Monumental Marathon 2011

Typical pace

8:30 to 9:30 pace for easy runs

Number of marathons



Full-time Student

Favorite marathon

Chicago Marathon 2010


Reading, Cooking, Traveling, Playing Chess

Favorite Running Food


What are you reading now?

Financial Accounting

Who do you train with?

New Leaf Ultra Runners

Personal goals

Earn my CPA in the next year



A quotation you like…



Why do you run?


It’s a great release physically and mentally.  I love being outdoors while I train, and I’ve met a lot of wonderful people through running. 

Describe your best marathon memory.


My best marathon memory was at Chicago in 2010.  I loved seeing crowds of people cheering for you during the whole 26.2 miles. 



Tell us your best pacing experience.


I paced an ultra runner in July through the last 34 miles at the Burning River 100 mile race.  I basically ran a night run while making sure my runner was eating and drinking on a regular basis.  It was a great experience to see her finish her third 100 mile race. 

Why should someone run in your pace group?


I’m very easy-going, and promise to do my best to make sure everyone is relaxed and having fun while going through 26.2 miles. 

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Drink at every aid station even if you are not thirsty.  Fluids are crucial during a race to prevent dehydration which can affect a runner’s performance. 

Anything else you’d like to share?


Nothing comes to mind at the moment.  I’ll have more to share at the race. 




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