Pacer Martin

Where are you from?

Salt Lake City, UT

Current P.R.


Typical pace


Number of marathons



Medical Device Sales

Favorite marathon




Favorite Running Food


What are you reading now?


Who do you train with?


Personal goals

My goal is to complete the World Marathon Majors Challenge - Boston, NYC, Chicago, London, Tokyo and Berlin.




A quotation you like…


You can study the map for years to achieve your goals, desires and dreams but you will not get one step closer until you start moving.

Why do you run?


To stay healthy physically, mentally and spiritually.


Describe your best marathon memory.


Running my first Boston Marathon on a very cold, windy and rainy day. Because of the weather I thought that this will be one of my worst Marathons ever so I just relaxed and enjoyed the 1000’s of cheering crowds. When I finished the race it was my second best Marathon time ever.

Why do you pace?


I love helping other runners achieve their goals and because pacing gives me that opportunity I love to pace.

Tell us your best pacing experience.


Every pacing is a new and great experience for me.

Why should someone run in your pace group?


Because not only am I a Marathon runner myself and have been pacing for many years I am also a International certified Marathon Running Coach. I have a lot of advice to share with those interested.

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Just relax, trust your training and enjoy the experience.

Anything else you’d like to share?



What philanthropic activities do you have?




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