Pacer Lydiah

Where are you from?

Kenyan with German residence

Current P.R.


Typical pace


Number of marathons




Favorite marathon

ADAC Hannover


Running, Travelling, Cooking, Gardening

Favorite Running Food

Ugali, Pasta, Pizza

What are you reading now?

Prevalence, severity and predictors of self-reported depression in Ultra-distance runners: An online survey based on 265 Athletes

Who do you train with?

My Fiance, Running Club

Personal goals

Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, Running Spartathron



A quotation you like…

After the Rain there is always Sunshine

Why do you run?


To compensate the stressful days.

Describe your best marathon memory.


Meeting 80years old woman at a Marathon Expo (100miles Berlin Wall), I assumed she was a Volunteer, checking on her Arm, she had a Running Transponder; Me: Wow, are you running tomorrow? She: Yep Me: Do you have a piece of advice for me as I attempt my first Ultramarathon? She: Just Run and I just did exactly what she said

Why do you pace?


I like assisting others to finish at their desired time, Seeing the happy faces at the finishing line make me very happy.

Tell us your best pacing experience.


Running through Brandenburger tor and London Tower Bridge. Finishing at Buckingham Palace

Why should someone run in your pace group?


Pacing is my passion, I Cheer, advice, motivate and encourage the runners running with me.

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Just Run, Don’t over pace. If you don’t make the desired pace, behind every Pacer, there is another pacer. Health first and the rest will follow.

Anything else you’d like to share?


Time is only a number.

What philanthropic activities do you have?


Supporting less fortuned Kids for a better future in Kenya.


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