Pacer Lina


Where are you from?

San Diego, CA

Current P.R.

26.2 – 3:41:17

13.1– 1:41:40

Typical pace


Number of marathons



Systems Improvement Specialist

Favorite marathon

Providence Cox Marathon


Reading novel series, baking, hiking, backpacking and rock climbing. Oh, and running, of course.

Favorite Running Food

Peanut butter & banana on toast

What are you reading now?

Mockingjay – the last of the Hunger Games books

Who do you train with?

I just moved to Michigan from PA, so right now I’m running solo, but I used to train with a good friend of mine from grad school in Philly.

Personal goals

Break 3:35:00 in the marathon and to run a 1:38:xx in the half.



A quotation you like…

If you really want to do something, you’ll find the time. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.

Why do you run?


Running is therapy for my body and my mind. It helps me think clearly and makes me feel healthy and strong.

Describe your best marathon memory.


Running the Chicago marathon with one of my best friends.

Why do you pace?


I really like racing, and racing with others is more fun than racing alone. It’s also very rewarding to help runners meet a goal race time, to encourage them when they need it and push them to the finish line. I always appreciate the same from other runners when I’m trying to meet a goal time, or if I’m feeling weak or tired at any point in a race.



Why should someone run in your pace group?


Because I’ll keep them on track to meet their goal time and will provide conversational distraction if needed!

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Train hard, eat smart and enjoy the race!






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