Pacer Jordan


Where are you from?

Kalamazoo, MI

Current P.R.


Typical pace


Number of marathons



Volkswagen Mechanic

Favorite marathon



Running, Biking, Movies

Favorite Running Food

Chocolate Milk

What are you reading now?

A Salty Piece of Land – Jimmy Buffett

Who do you train with?


Personal goals

Qualify for the Boston Marathon



Why do you run?


Mostly roads around town, but trails are a nice departure from the ordinary.

Describe your best marathon memory.


Nearing the finish line at the Indy Monumental last fall and closing in on a 40 minute PR less than a month after a disappointing race in the Chicago Marathon.

Why do you pace?


The running community has had such a positive impact on my life that I want to give back to it in as many ways as possible.

Tell us your best pacing experience.


Last spring a friend and I were pacing the largest 25K in the nation and after the race we were standing near the finish and runners kept coming up to us and thanking us for helping them have fun and achieve their goals. It was a pretty cool feeling!

Why should someone run in your pace group?


I think running in a pace group helps avoid the typical problem of going out too fast at the start because you’re so pumped up from the excitement of the crowd.

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Make sure to do some training runs at your race pace so you can get used to how it will feel come race day. Also, find out what the race will  offer in terms of hydration and nutrition and test them out on your training runs to be sure it won’t disagree with you mid-race.


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