Pacer Jarom

Where are you from?

Payson, Utah

Current P.R.


Number of marathons



Call Center Business Operations Analyst

Favorite marathon

St. George, Ut Marathon


Swimming, skiing, running…

Favorite Running Food


What are you reading now?


Who do you train with?

Mostly alone

Personal goals

Finish the Arrowhead 135 Winter Self-supported Ultra



A quotation you like…


"If perfection makes nothing impossible, then imperfection makes everything possible."

Why do you run?


Honestly I don’t know…other than it gives me a physical and mental boost, clears my mind and motivates me in all aspects of my life.

Describe your best marathon memory.


Urinating blood during my first 50 mile trail ultra!

Why do you pace?


I enjoy seeing people get into the sport I’ve loved for so long and reach their goals and if I can help by running with them, talking with them and pushing their limits and giving tips…it’s worth it.

Tell us your best pacing experience.


Utah Valley Marathon 3:50 group…helped many people stay slightly ahead of the 3:50 pace so several finished under 3:50 and later than day some lady came up to me and thanked me because she ran the first half with me and knew she couldn’t keep up but still finished sub4 and that was her PR!

Why should someone run in your pace group?


Because I have lots of gruesome ultra stories to tell…lol I do my best to keep everyone comfortable and change things up with their pace, form and breathing to finish strong.

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


You can do it…I’m just a regular guy who discovered a marathon in possible!

Anything else you’d like to share?


See you in Pocatello :)


"Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care."  Sheila Thurston...(my mother)


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