Pacer Jackie

Where are you from?

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Current P.R.


Typical pace

8:00 min/mile

Number of marathons



Nursing Student and ICU Nursing Assistant

Favorite marathon

Tobacco Road Marathon


Rock Climbing, Hiking, Running, Cooking

Favorite Running Food

Dinosaur Gummies

What are you reading now?

The Glass Castle

Who do you train with?

My roommate Rachel

Personal goals

Run a 100 mile ultramarathon – faster than my dad did J



A quotation you like…

“The difference between an ordeal and an adventure is attitude”


Why do you run?


Running allows me to enjoy the outdoors no matter where I am while challenging myself or connecting with others!

Describe your best marathon memory.


High-fiving and supporting fellow runners that I met that morning at the start line (and in the long line for the porta-potty) along the Tobacco Road Marathon course

Why do you pace?


I want to cheer on others as they meet their own goals, be it a first-time finish, a PR, or simply a fun endeavor.

Tell us your best pacing experience.


This is my first season of pacing – I can’t wait to make a ton of memories!

Why should someone run in your pace group?


Someone should run in my pace group if they want support while reaching a hard-earned goal. If you might need some energy to pull from 10 miles in – I’ve got plenty to share!

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Always pack snacks! Whether you like gummies, mashed potatoes or gels, I’m a big believer in fueling your body as you go and making sure your snacks taste great.






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