Pacer Dmitry

Where are you from?

Soviet Union

Current P.R.


Typical pace

Casual 10 min/mile, Race 8:40-9

Number of marathons




Favorite marathon

HaLong Bay, Vietnam


Published author (fiction), brainteasers

Favorite Running Food


What are you reading now?

Thomas Sowell

Who do you train with?

FB PersonalBest

Personal goals

Keep running

A quotation you like…

Lenin: Let’s start the fight and see what happens

Why do you run?

My wife makes me. She say that if I don’t, I will drive her mad

Describe your best marathon memory.

Eating coconut butter at mile 16 in Boston and at the next aid station realizing that it was nipple Vaseline

Why do you pace?

Running with pacers made my own runs better and easier. I want to share that experience

Tell us your best pacing experience.

Hearing from my runners at the first sight of the finish line that they wouldn’t have done without me and then picking up the pace, leaving me behind, chained to my pace time

Why should someone run in your pace group?

If you like hearing stories, I have them! The time will go by quickly

Any tips for runners about to join your group?

It’s not a restaurant. No need for tips here!

Anything else you’d like to share?

Wear your medals often

What philanthropic activities do you have?

Random acts of kindness


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