Pacer Cindy

Where are you from?

Denver, Colorado

Current P.R.


Typical pace

10 to 12 minute pace, depending on distance

Number of marathons




Favorite marathon

Missoula, MT


Hiking, Reading, Travelling

Favorite Running Food

Salty Chips

What are you reading now?

The Presidents Club

Who do you train with?

My local running group

Personal goals

To run through the states a 2nd time and complete my 100th marathon in Missoula in July, 2013



A quotation you like…

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


Why do you run?


To stay healthy and to be able to eat anything I want

Describe your best marathon memory.


Completing the JFK 50 with my daughter.  It’s a long, grueling day made enjoyable with someone I love

Why do you pace?


To help others realize their goal of completing a marathon.

Tell us your best pacing experience.


Helping my niece complete her first marathon within 2 minutes of her goal in Missoula/2012.  She was so nervous that she called me every day for two weeks before the marathon for advice.

Why should someone run in your pace group?


I was never athletic and didn’t start running until my mid-forties so I understand people who struggle with running.  It’s great to help people realize that running marathons can be fun and low-stress!

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Relax, have fun, and make new running friends!  If you want to eventually BQ, I’ll introduce you to pacers that can help you with that awesome goal.  If you just want to finish, stay with me!!








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