Pacer Chris

Where are you from?

Germany originally, came to the US when I was 4. Have lived many places. High school, college in Ohio. 22 years and counting in the South.

Current P.R.


Typical pace

Still trying to run fast, for as many years as I can ;)

Number of marathons



Foot and ankle specialist for the VA.

Favorite marathon

Boston always special, but Chickamauga Battlefield- it was my first after a 28 year break from the distance. Perfect day.



Favorite Running Food

I use gels during. Bars, cereal, oatmeal after.

What are you reading now?

Unbroken – Louis Zamperini

Who do you train with?

Mostly solo

Personal goals

To run again tomorrow.



A quotation you like…

"He didn't run from something or to something, not for anyone or in spite of anyone; he ran because it was what his body wished to do."
Louis Zamperini

Why do you run?


"Running to him was real, the way he did it the most real thing he knew. It was all joy and woe, hard as diamond; it made him weary beyond comprehension. But it also made him free." -Once a Runner

Describe your best marathon memory.


Enjoying the last few miles of the 2008 Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon, knowing that I had accomplished my goal of qualifying for Boston.

Why do you pace?


I always enjoy seeing people reach their running goals, and hard to top a good marathon effort. It's a chance to give back.

Tell us your best pacing experience.


Helping my 10 year old son complete his first 5K.

Why should someone run in your pace group?


To share the energy of a group working to achieve a difficult goal. And have fun J

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Trust the training you have done, have a positive outlook on the day, and prepare for a hard but rewarding experience.

Anything else you’d like to share?

Running is not just training or racing. It is a lifestyle, that allows you to meet amazing people.


What philanthropic activities do you have?

I am part of Team Type 1/Team Novo Nordisk, which works to educate, empower and inspire everyone affected by diabetes.  


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