Pacer Brittney

Where are you from?

Orlando, FL

Current P.R.

1:54 Half/ 4:35 Full

Typical pace

Anywhere from 8:15-10:30

Number of marathons

50 Halfs, 10 Fulls


Software Sales

Favorite marathon

Disney Marathon



Favorite Running Food

Gu Roctane

What are you reading now?

Travel blogs

Who do you train with?


Personal goals

PR my half marathon in 2023



A quotation you like…

If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. It’s the hard that makes the great.


Why do you run?


So many reasons- the community, the runners high, the feeling of accomplishing something that most people think is crazy

Describe your best marathon memory.


Disney 2018- I had not trained for the marathon, but had just completed a half ironman. Went in just wanting to finish, started slow- and ended up getting a 20 minute PR!

Why do you pace?


Pacing is my absolute favorite! I enjoy helping others reach their goals and push through the hard moments

Tell us your best pacing experience.


I had a 17-year-old running her first marathon in my pace group- I became mama bear and she crossed that finish line! I’m always proud of runners but that was my favorite.

Why should someone run in your pace group?


It is SO much better than running alone. Let me worry about the pace and have a great time!

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Be ready to have a fun time 😊 Also – pinch your water cup at the top at water stops so it doesn’t get all over your face

Anything else you’d like to share?

I was a pole vaulter at the University of Central Florida (GO KNIGHTS)


What philanthropic activities do you have?

I volunteer at my church



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