Pacer Andy

Where are you from?

Saginaw, Michigan

Current P.R.


Typical pace

8:00 per mile

Number of marathons

16 marathons, and multiple other long distance running events up to 50 miles.  More than 100 duathlons and triathlons from Olympic distance to full IRONMAN distance


Produce sales executive

Favorite marathon

Boston 2010


Camping/ Triathons/ Volunteer/Travel

Favorite Running Food

Banana  & peanut butter

What are you reading now?

Brain Training

Who do you train with?


Personal goals

Remain positive and healthy



A quotation you like…

Life is a gift, do NOT waste it!


Why do you run?


Healthy life example for my family and friends.

Describe your best marathon memory.


The moment I qualified for The Boston Marathon at the Detroit, MI marathon in the fall of 2009.

Why do you pace?


I want to help people reach their personal goals

Tell us your best pacing experience.


I paced my father, 64 years old at the time, to his first (ONLY) marathon in West Palm Beach, FL in 2008.  My father started sprinting after 26 miles, leaving his wing man.…we finished within a hundredth of a second. The announcer said, “Father and son team?”  I gave him the thumbs up when he said our names.

Why should someone run in your pace group?


I will encourage and motivate individuals to accomplish their goals while having fun!

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


I will keep YOU smiling!

Anything else you’d like to share?

My forte’ is swimming 
I swam for 10 years competitively and then took a hiatus until '97 and started swimming masters and racing every third weekend for 7 years until I was asked…"You should try a triathlon…"  Well, the rest is history.  I had to run because I signed up for my first triathlon in 2002.  So, that is why I started to run. 


What philanthropic activities do you have?

YMCA board member and annual campaign chair for the YMCA of Saginaw, MI



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