Pacer Andrew

Where are you from?

Tulsa, OK

Current P.R.

3:36 Mar/1:28 Half

Typical pace

Anywhere between 7:15 and 9:15 min/mi.

Number of marathons

157 Mar+/154 Half


Finance Director

Favorite marathon

I like them all


I run often

Favorite Running Food

Clif Products




A quotation you like…


Don’t be afraid to fail.

Why do you run?


It keeps me healthy—both physically and mentally

Describe your best marathon memory.


Anytime you can cross the finish line with the pace group slightly in front of you is a great day

Why do you pace?


Pacing is a great way to give back to the running community

Tell us your best pacing experience.


Helping a runner break a state record for their age group


Why should someone run in your pace group?


I’ll keep things lively or as serious as the group wants.  Most importantly, we all want to have fun!

Any tips for runners about to join your group?


You have to have a realistic goal for race day based on your current level of fitness.

Anything else you’d like to share?

I’ve completed a marathon (or longer) in all 50 states and a half marathon in the lower 48.  Also completed a marathon in 9 different countries


What philanthropic activities do you have?

I serve as an Executive Board Member and Participant Services Director (volunteer roles) for the Route 66 Marathon.



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