Pacer Scott H. 


Boynton Beach, FL


Current P.R.

3:52 DisneyWorld Marathon

Where were you born?

Warner Robins AFB, GA


Number of marathons

10 official, many more in training for ultras


May 1


Favorite marathon

DisneyWorld – running through all 4 parks!

Typical pace

10:00 min/mile marathon pace


Favorite running music



Software Engineer


Favorite running food

Hammer Gel

Any hobbies?

Judo, Adventure Racing


Who do you train with?


Favorite book, what are you reading now?

Too many to choose from.

Currently reading Bitter Seeds.


A quotation you like…

“It’s just one foot in front of the other” – my response when people ask how I can run a 100K.

Personal goals

Finally finish a 100 miler






Why do you run?


Fitness. Time alone to think. Benefits all the other parts of my life.


Describe your best marathon memory.


Getting last place in the Chamonix ½ marathon years ago. I was undertrained and not prepared for the mountains. I did 13.1 miles in the time it normally takes me to do 26.2. I learned a lot from the race and will go back to do better next time.


Why do you pace?


To give something back to the racing community.


Tell us your best pacing experience.


I found being able to help people achieve their goals is a very rewarding feeling.


Any tips for runners about to join your group?


Talk to the people around you. It helps the time go by and distracts you from any low points you might be having in the race.



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