Pacer Amy

Where are you from?

Jacksonville Florida

Current P.R.


Typical pace

Comfortable at 9:30

Number of marathons



Marketing Executive / Running Coach / Owner - Moms on the Run Jacksonville

Favorite marathon

Chicago Marathon


Running, Coaching, Strength training, Baseball (Rookie league) coach, all things active!

Favorite Running Food

Night before race: Wheat pasta with four cheese marinara and bread.


Morning of race: Wheat Ego waffles with peanut butter and jelly & Beet Elite mixed with a little tailwind


Mid race: Tailwind, Honey Stingers & Base salt

What are you reading now?

I read a lot for work so in my free time I am running! Love listening to Podcasts like Another Mother Runner, Marathon Training Academy, and The Extra Mile Podcast

Who do you train with?

My BRFs, running clients, and solo

Personal goals

Qualify for Boston. It will happen soon!



A quotation you like…

Toe the line. Dance the dance. Feel the fear and do it anyway!

Why do you run?

I love a runners high! I run because it makes me happy and because I love to eat!

Describe your best marathon memory.

My best marathon memory was the worst marathon time I’ve run, MCM 2015. I was dog sick, missed my flight, barely made it to D.C., and was extremely dehydrated. I ran/walked the race and cried like a baby at the finish line. Seriously sobbing like a child! It was rough but I never stopped moving forward and that memory reminds me that I can do anything I put my mind too.

Why do you pace?

I pace because I love to help others reach their goals. I love being the one who helps you get through a rough patch in a race and brings you out on the other side of the wall. Sweaty post race hugs are my favorite!

Tell us your best pacing experience.

My most favorite pacing experience so far was at the Disney Princess Half Marathon. I had 30-50 people with me throughout the race and we ran a beautiful, slightly negative split race with many of them pushing ahead towards the end and taking home shiny, new PRs. A group of them waited for me at the finish line with big sweaty hugs and thanks yous. :)

Why should someone run in your pace group?

If you want to have fun, smile a lot and reach your marathon goal stick with me and let’s go for a run!

Any tips for runners about to join your group?

Remember to breathe and enjoy the race! We will start just above race pace to warm up (because I know most people don’t run a warm up for their race. ;) ) then we will pick it up, bring it down to race pace and settle in for the long haul. Don’t forget to smile!

Anything else you’d like to share?

I can’t wait to meet you!

What philanthropic activities do you have?

Little league coach, Runner for Burma Humanitarian Mission


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